Black Leadership And Community Cultivation (B.L.A.C.C.)

The Black Leadership And Community Cultivation (B.L.A.C.C.) is a peer mentorship program tailored to support first-year and transfer students in their transition to life at UConn. It comprises two main components:

  • Peer Mentorship: First-year students are paired with upper-class mentors, with whom they are encouraged to meet regularly and attend BLACC-related events. These events aim to cultivate a sense of friendship and community among BLACC participants. Mentors also serve as guides to campus resources, services, and opportunities.
  • Academic and Leadership Enrichment Course: Participants enroll in a one-credit course focusing on essential skills for academic success, such as time management, organization, study strategies, and self-confidence. The course features guest speakers introducing institutional resources and opportunities. Discussions cover diverse topics including cultural preservation, leadership development, global social justice issues, and community engagement.


Through the B.L.A.C.C. Program, students gain support and guidance while forging connections with faculty, staff, and student leaders, enhancing their overall college experience.