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Diversity & Inclusion

Campus Resources

Diversity Initiatives by Departments, Schools, and Colleges

PUMP Mentoring

The PNB Undergraduate Mentoring Program is a peer mentoring/tutoring program within the physiology and neurobiology department. It focuses on fundamental courses like PNB 2274/75 and PNB 3251. It aims to provide a supportive and inclusive earning environment by increasing access to peer mentors and reducing language barriers to learning.


MAGIC stands for Mentoring Aspiring Graduate Students and building an Inclusive Community Connect, and is a mentoring program for aspiring graduate students in the field of psychology. MAGIC’s mission is to connect underrepresented and first generation students with mentors. The overall goal is to provide a greater support structure for these students and provide them with the tools they need to succeed in their graduate school applications and beyond.

Academic Institutes

International Students